Review: Polymer Clay Charms Tutorial | How to condition polymer clay

Polymer clay charms & Sophie & Toffee polymer clay
We had recently introduced a new version of our oven-baked polymer clay and had gotten Youtuber sweetnessoverloaddd to give her honest reviews on it.
Besides doing her reviews, she had also included different polymer clay techniques which is a must to watch for all aspiring polymer clay artists.
Wonder if our clay works with Sculpey clay? Watch the video and you will see!
We currently have 6 colours in 50g and another white in 100g. They come film-wrapped and in a ziplock bag for easy storage.
Youtuber CoolRiceBunnies also contributed another review of this clay highlighting that although the clay might be hard straight from the package, after conditioning it will be soft. Another interesting point she brought up is that the clay can be tough yet flexible at the same time. Curious? Just watch the below video!