Castle Silicone Clear Mold
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
Pack Size: 1 piece
Measurement: 27mm x 48mm
Material: Silicone
Pack Size: 1 piece
Measurement: 27mm x 48mm
Material: Silicone
I loved it! The details transferred wonderfully onto the resin and polymer clay. It’s not the “prettiest” mold ever, but who cares as long as it creates beautiful pieces? I’d personally rather have them make less aesthetically pleasing molds for cheaper than to pay more for a “pretty” mild. I mean, of course, the look of the mold itself- not the way the pieces ~made~ from the mold look.
Overall the mold is great. The biggest downside to this mold is that mine is squishy and sticky. The resin sets up fine and removes without issue however i have a dog and since this mold is sticky it picks up hair dust and anything else laying around or even if it gets on it from the air. So storage means this has to be kept in a baggie and completely cleaned before each use.
The item is perfect! The first time it was arrived inside a elves box but the mold wasn't perfect, I asked sophie and toffe help and they send to me another one to replace. They are great!
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