Sophie & Toffee Club: Japan Craft Subscrption Box + Crystal Nightlight DIY Tutorial
April's Box - Resin Craft
In April, we launched our first ever craft subscription box in collaboration with our Japanese partners. The first box was a hit and we were sold out before the closing date!
With a lot of room for improvements, we are just gearing up for our new monthly box business. We are busy sourcing out with our partners on "never see before" Japan craft supplies and staying tip-top on all of the latest Japan new releases! Subsequent boxes will be filled with the excitement of Japan and the goodness of using these awesome supplies.
Nerdecrafter, our S&T Club Creative Team artist, has whipped up an amazing tutorial on how she had used the supplies she received in our April Box. The possibilities are endless and that is what's so fun about crafting!
Crystal Nightlight DIY
What's even more fun than receiving a box of well-thought crafting theme, delivered to your doorstep and spending quality-time relaxing and crafting with your family?
Sophie & Toffee Club is everything about the love for a happy fun life!
Sign up today for your next Sophie & Toffee Club Box.

While waiting for your next box, watch this super awesome video tutorial by Nerdecrafter.