Puni Puni Exclusive Sushi Box

$61.84 $80.00

Puni Puni ぷにぷに is an original concept idea design produced by Sophie & Toffee.

Puni Puni means soft and squishy in Japanese language and is a perfect word to describe the box contents and the project made from this craft box. 

This box was an inspiration of Japanese love for Sushi. Every box will include all the contents you need to make the squishy, and the squishy gel are made from non toxic silicone and are suitable for children aged 7 and up but with adult supervision. 

This Japanese Sushi Box Features our super cute exclusive Japanese Sushi Box design, you will be able to make different color designs of Japanese Sushi Box for your own creation preference. 

All our Puni Puni molds are custom made and they are heavy and thick in order to achieve the Hand Squishing texture for squishies. These molds are also ideal for soap making or any other projects that require any heavy and thick settings. 

Restock your Puni Puni Squishy Gel "Click HERE"

  • Sushi A Mold Seaweed L15.5cm x W8.5cm x H1cm (150g) 
  • Sushi B Mold Rice Salmon L12.5cm x W7.5cm x H2.5cm (150g) 
  • Accessories Mold Lcm x Wcm x Hcm (g)

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